COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment

COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment

COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment Notification

  • The COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment will be pushed to your Earlham email address and the Rave Guardian App each morning at 7:00AM. The Self Assessment should be completed before coming to campus if you are an employee or before leaving your Residential Living space if you are a student. The Self Assessment will be available to be completed between 7AM and Noon.

  • For more information about downloading and using the Rave Guardian App please review the following page: Rave Guardian App

Completing the COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment via the Email Notification

  • The Email Notification will be sent from EC Notifications (notification@earlham.edu) and have a link to complete the self assessment.

  • Click the link the review and complete the self assessment.


Completing the COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment via the Rave Guardian App Notification

  • The Rave Guardian App Notification will appear in the Inbox in the App.


  • Select the Inbox and Select the Notification to access the self assessment.


  • Click the link the review and complete the self assessment.


COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment Confirmation Messages

  • Employees and students that indicate NO to experiencing symptoms, will receive the following message:


  • Employees that indicate that YES to experiencing symptoms, will receive the following message:


  • Students that indicate that YES to experiencing symptoms, will receive the following message: