COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment
COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment Notification
The COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment will be pushed to your Earlham email address and the Rave Guardian App each morning at 7:00AM. The Self Assessment should be completed before coming to campus if you are an employee or before leaving your Residential Living space if you are a student. The Self Assessment will be available to be completed between 7AM and Noon.
For more information about downloading and using the Rave Guardian App please review the following page:
Completing the COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment via the Email Notification
The Email Notification will be sent from EC Notifications ( and have a link to complete the self assessment.
Click the link the review and complete the self assessment.
Completing the COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment via the Rave Guardian App Notification
The Rave Guardian App Notification will appear in the Inbox in the App.
Select the Inbox and Select the Notification to access the self assessment.
Click the link the review and complete the self assessment.
COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessment Confirmation Messages
Employees and students that indicate NO to experiencing symptoms, will receive the following message:
Employees that indicate that YES to experiencing symptoms, will receive the following message:
Students that indicate that YES to experiencing symptoms, will receive the following message: