Change your Earlham Password

  1. Browse to
  2. Login with your current Earlham username and password
  3. Select Change Password from the menu
  4. Fill in the form fields to create new password
    1. New Password: Make a new password for yourself, following the rules above the form
    2. Retype New Password: Confirm your new password by typing it in again
  5. Click "Change Password" button

Don't forget that after you change your password, you may need to update it in multiple places. Some common places include:

Forgot Your Password?

It happens. Don't panic. If you forgot or lost your password we can reset it for you. Please contact the Earlham ITS Service Desk by phone at 765-973-2000. The Service Desk is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.