Emergency Notification System

Emergency Notification System

Earlham College uses Rave Alert to provide Emergency Notification services. The multimodal service allows Earlham officials the ability to send emergency messages via: landline, cell phone, SMS text messages, and email messages when circumstances dictate an alert to issue. The Rave Alert system is part of the overall campus emergency plan.

The Emergency Notification System is only activated during emergency or crisis situations.  These alerts are usually in the earliest moments of a crisis or emergency, and may contain very brief concise information and directions.

An emergency is an event that threatens the life or safety of our students. For Earlham, this includes a tornado, fire, gas leak, infectious disease, chemical spill or violent person on campus. 

A crisis is an event that, while upsetting, does not threaten the life or safety of others. Examples of crises include a snow closing, destruction of campus property or the passing of a community member.

Please Note: The Emergency Notification System is only used for purposes of emergency communication and will not be sold or used for marketing or any purpose other than emergency communications. “Emergency communications” is defined to be communication that is vital information to help minimize any significant risk to the health and safety of the community.

*This is a free service provided by the College, however normal text message fees may apply. To receive notifications your cell phone must have text messaging capabilities. Notifications are dependent upon external providers (i.e. wireless carrier, e-mail service, etc.).

Updating your Emergency Notification and Contact Information

  1. Log into https://theheart.earlham.edu

  2. Select "Update Contact Information" from the Directory Card. If you can not find this card on your home page then select the hamburger icon on the top left of the screen and select discover. From there you can search for this card and click the flag to add it to your homepage.

  3. Update the information in the Emergency Notification section to indicate which phone numbers and email addresses should be contacted when sending alerts from the Emergency Notification System.
    Please Note: If you would like to receive SMS text message notifications, please provide a Cell Phone number.

  4. Update the contact information in the Emergency Contacts section to indicate who the college should notify in case of a personal emergency.

  5. For Students, Update the Missing Person Contact section to provide the college with confidential emergency contact information in the event that he/she is reported as missing. 

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