Rave Guardian App
As part of Earlham College’s commitment to health and safety during Fall 2020, all employees and students will be required to complete a COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessmentarchived. For more information on Earlham’s health and safety protocols visit: https://earlham.edu/coronavirus/
Download the Rave Guardian App
Visit the following website to download the Rave Guardian App: https://www.raveguardian.com/
When you open the Rave Guardian App, you’ll be asked to enter your mobile device number or email address that matches the information you’ve submitted for Earlham’s Emergency Notification System.
Once you enter your information, you’ll be prompted to enter a Verification code and accept the Terms and Conditions.
If your information matches what’s on record for Earlham’s Emergency Notification System, that will be displayed to verify your Identity.
To allow the Rave Guardian App to present location based notifications and alerts, you’ll need to enable Location Services While Using the App and enable Notifications.
Note: If you need to update your Emergency Notification contact information, please follow these steps: https://earlham.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYBxAw
Using the Rave Guardian App
The Rave Guardian App contains the following resources:
Inbox: Access the Inbox to review alerts, notifications, and to complete your COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessmentarchived
EC Emergency Numbers: A quick list of important phone numbers for Earlham College departments
COVID-19 Resources: A quick list of links to important COVID-19 information resources
Call Pubic Safety: Direct access to call Earlham College Public Safety
Inbox: Access the Inbox to review alerts, notifications, and to complete your COVID-19 Daily Symptom Self Assessmentarchived
EC Emergency Numbers: A quick list of important phone numbers for Earlham College departments
COVID-19 Resources: A quick list of links to important COVID-19 information resources