BoxSign - Digital Signature Solution

BoxSign - Digital Signature Solution

BoxSign is a digital signature solution that is integrated with our cloud storage solution Box. The steps below will walk you though how to request a digital signature.


Step1 – Log into Box by going to https://box.earlham.edu


Step2 – Once logged in. Select “Sign” on the left-hand column. If you do not have this option. Please call the ITS help desk at 765-973-2000 or email Helpdesk@earlham.edu so you can be given the proper permissions.


Step 3 – Select “Request Signature” either in the center of your screen or in the top right corner.


Step 4 – On the top of the right column. Type in the email address of the person or persons you want to request signatures from.


Step 5 – In the center of your screen, select what file you would like to have the signatures on. This can either be from a file on Box or can be a file directly from your computer.


Step 6 – Once the file has been uploaded. Drag and drop the fields you wish to have completed on your form. This can include a signature, Initials, Name, Email, Title, Attachments and various other fields. If there are multiple people that need to perform various tasks, you can specify what task each person can perform and if it is a required field or not.




Step 7 – On the right column, when you scroll down, you can select additional information about this signature such as a specific save location, Additional Email notifications and the ability to save it as a template.


Step 8 – Once all options have been filled out, you can select “Send Request” on the top right corner of the screen.