Password Managers

Password Managers

Best information security practices dictate that users should have a separate password for each web page. Password managers offer a way to store and manage the ever-growing number of passwords either locally or in the cloud. Typically the passwords are encrypted and require one “master password” to unlock access to the passwords stored. Since a user will only have to remember this master password, they can more easily follow best practices by using different passwords for each website.

Earlham College ITS does not recommend or support any specific password managers. There are a variety of free options available. Selecting the safest option and properly using a password manager is your responsibility. The password managers below either are free or offer free options however, there are many other options available.

Keepass (https://keepass.info/)

KeepassXC (https://keepassxc.org/)

Lastpass (https://www.lastpass.com/)

Bitwarden (https://bitwarden.com/)

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